Refund Policy

We at Shrtfly know that the needs of our users may change with time. It is for this reason that we have a cancellation policy that can be adjusted depending on these changes. Please read and understand the following sections carefully.

Cancellation Policy:

If you want to cancel your subscription with ShrtFly, you can do that at any time by logging into your account and activating the default membership

Once you have successfully changed your membership to default, your account will be downgraded to the free plan, and no auto subscription will be applied.

However, please note that we will not make any refund for the remaining subscription period.

Refund Policy:

Used credits cannot be refunded in ShrtFly.

Although, if a company decides not to continue with popup ads campaign we can refund them remaining credits.

Please note that current market value might differ from purchase price of credits hence refund will be based on this comparison.


Third-party fees or custom domain setup costs are not included in our cancellation and refund policy.

These types of charges cannot be refunded by us due to their non-refundable nature.

We reserve the right to modify or update this policy at any time without notice.

Feel free to visit our site regularly so as acquaint yourself with any changes made concerning this agreement.

For further inquiries about cancellations or refunds policies do contact us through

We are here 24/7 ready solve your queries.